Showing posts with label Week 08. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Week 08. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Week 8: Growth Mindset

Since my post of Growth Mindset in Week 1, I would like to say that I have somewhat enhanced my mindset and adopted a strategy of mastering materials. This semester, I have officially switched my major to psychology and have decided that I want to become a counseling psychologists, which means I definitely needed to adopt a growth mindset in my psychology classes for my future career. So far, it's going pretty well, and I have been able to accomplish different dimensions of growth, although I have my moments of slacking and procrastination. As for this class, I came in not knowing anything about Indian mythology and not having a serious passion for it. However, since I've been trying to be a better student, I've learned so much about Indian epics, gods, and culture, which is so much more than I could ask for in terms of knowledge. At times, I fall behind my work in this class and not apply any growth mindset challenges because I am too focused in other classes, and/or I am working too much buuuuut I'm able to get back on track soon enough! Now for the second half of the semester, I might try to do more work ahead of time so I am not as overwhelmed, especially when there are tests coming up. I also might try studying at least one week prior to the test to I can actually absorb and learn the material. This way, I can take the steps I need to make the grades I want and learn the material I need for the future.
Growth Mindset Steps

Monday, March 6, 2017

Week 8: Reflections

Coming into this class, I didn't really know what to expect, and I definitely didn't realize how much creativity I would need each week in order to create new, interesting stories. I think my favorite reading so far is Ramayana, hands down. I love the character development and the storyline overall. As for my favorite character in Ramayana, I really like Hanuman the monkey god. My favorite story I've written is actually in his first-person perspective, too! (Monkey Business - A Story of Hanuman) However, my story about Rama in the perspective of his son is a close second (The Legendary Rama)! Nevertheless, I don't think my stories can compare to many of my other classmates. Each week as I read unique and wonderfully written stories, I am amazed on how people can create so many different stories from different perspectives, inspirations, and characters all derived from the same story. After reading their stories, I became more determined to enhance my storytelling, and judging by my writing since the beginning of the semester, I can honestly say that I've noticeably improved! For the rest of the semester, I hope to keep this motivation going, and I can't wait to see what stories I and my other classmates come up with for weeks to come!
