Monday, February 20, 2017

Reading Notes: PDE Mahabharata (Part C)

Today, I finished reading Part C of Mahabarata, which including Draupadi and the five Pandava brothers finishing up their exile, meeting of interesting characters, trying to make peace to prevent an all-out war (but failing), and finally, ending with the beginning of the battle. This entire story seems to have a theme of being everywhere trying to include so many stories and situations. On the down side, the story isn't really too cohesive. On the plus side, it allows for great storytelling potentials! Here are some of mine:

  • Hanuman (as my favorite character in Ramayana) was included in this section, which is absolutely fantastic. I could have a story in his perspectives about the similarities and/or differences between Arjuna and Rama! Or I can have him be a little tired of having to come across Arjuna. ("Oh no... Not another exiled prince...")
  • Karna and Indra's trade was pretty interesting to me (because who trades golden armor/earrings that make you invincible for a single dart, which arguably is powerful but you are still vulnerable because of your lack of armor). I could elaborate on this interaction, but maybe create a modernized version where they are trading something else... Maybe Yu-Gi-Oh cards vs. Pokemon cards?
  • The Riddles at the Lake was another chapter I really liked in Part C. All five brothers hear a disembodied voice telling them not to drink the water, and all but one died after drinking. Yudhisthira, the only sane one in the group, was left to answer the voice's riddles, completing them all and wishing his brothers back to life. I was thinking about writing this one in Dharma's point of view and reveal his thoughts as 1) the four brothers unheeded his warning regardless of seeing the other brothers' deaths and 2) Yudhisthira answered ALL of his riddles correctly and without hesitation even though he made it as hard as possible.
Karna & Indra's Trade
Bibliography: PDE Mahabharata

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