First of all, thank you for taking the time out to try to update and improve your class frequently. I enjoyed taking this class and learning the things I did whether it was about Indian epics or growth mindsets. I found everything interesting, and I felt like I learned a lot. Anyway! Here are my improvement suggestions/opinions:
Change Review Weeks to Planning Weeks
I thought this was a great idea, especially the idea that Week 2 would become a planning week as well to allow students to become more accustomed to a schedule. It was definitely very confusing at first to navigate through and figure out how or when I wanted to do homework.
Expand the Story Planning Option
I was one of the people who took your idea to use that extra week during spring break to actually plan out what I wanted to do for my storybook. Because I didn't have a specific direction I wanted to go, and the extra week really helped me figure that out. I really think this idea was great and should continue on for future semesters.
Create More Audio Recording
I like the idea of audio recordings! I actually listened to your audio recordings of the PDE Ramayana for most of the episodes, and I liked listening to how words and names were pronounced. This is a useful tool for people who learn better with audio, so you should definitely create more if you get the chance.
Create Writing Tutorial Videos
I, personally, don't think I would use these videos. However, judging by some of my classmate's introductions, I think some people have some problems with writing, and they may find these videos helpful!
Create Thematic Reading Units
I really love this idea, and it was something I was actually wanting to suggest too! As much as I liked the fact that there were weeks where we could choose whatever we wanted, but I thought it would be a cool idea to have free choice weeks with themes. This way, everyone would have similarly themed stories but still have their preference of stories to read each week.